Okay, so, first order of business, WOW. That last post really blew up. Really resonated with everyone eh.
Thanks a bunch!
About the makerspace. I won’t name names yet, or make any promises, till we actually secure the real estate, and have the money in the bank but we’ve got commitments for the full amount needed, a friendly lawyer filing our 501c3 structure soon and leads on real estate.
In a bit of a state of volatility right now, mostly just waiting for the break to be over, so everybody is back in ‘business mode‘. But within the 2-3 weeks, we’ll know exactly where everything stands on the makerspace.
Putting it bluntly: Things are going well. This thing might actually work.
It’s honestly a bit funny how this all happened, a bit jarring, and totally shocking how this all is playing out, but I won’t dwell on it too much until we actually open.
On the rocket end of things, we drove out to our test site last Sunday, and it was great! Video explanation linked here:
Basically we are firing in a giant clay mine, with huge amounts of space, access to tons of heavy machinery, and hopefully in the last couple days of the year before NYE.
We upgraded our storage unit a bit, with some more tools, and a dresser ( we we’re looking for a table, but it was too cheap to ignore). $7 at goodwill! Thrifting was pretty fun, but I’ve had my fill of that for now.
There really hasn’t been too much going on, we began leak testing and that’s been going pretty well, and we got a new nitrogen bottle, 120cu ft. Fixing some stuff that had broken during testing, some failed recruiting, not too much. Planning for a kerosene cold flow soon. Probably next month.
But for now, everyone is back at their home, enjoying time with family. The rocket grinds to a halt for a few days. But I’ll take this opportunity to flesh out some checklists, and get some straggling parts ordered. It’s nice and it gives me time to step back and really evaluate everything, go over what needs to be done and what can wait.
Happy no school days!
PS: we built a terrible table and it was A TON of fun. Totally worth it. Not quite sure what we’ll do with it. Mod it to death? Pour unreasonable amounts of time and money into it to make it a beast of a table? Maybe.
Pictures from our adventures last week:
Loved the test site video! Can’t wait to for the static fires to begin!